This man is a legend who was able to influence the world from his home base in Detroit, Michigan. Responsible for some of the most soulful brands of techno ever created, Kenny Larkin has done a lot of pioneering in his 20+ year career. His countless remixes and smooth musical approach to the genre, Larkin is definitely your favorite electronic producers’ favorite producer.

Larkin has tried his hand with many pieces of hardware and software to find his creative expression. One timeless synth that is a music have for Larking is the Moog One. The 73 knobs and 144 buttons on the Moog One truly allows you to create without limits. Being a tri-timbral synth, the Moog One allows you to split, layered, or zoned across the keyboard as you wish. This is one of the most powerful synths in the game.

Key Features

  • 8- or 16-voice polyphony
  • Create Performance Sets that make up to 64 presets accessible at the push of a button
  • 3 VCOs per voice with waveshape mixing and OLED displays

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